How Sonic.exe Should have Ended

Background Information

Sonic exe the real title screen by secretagentjonathon-d5hapdl.png
So, the original Sonic.exe's ending was a letdown, and it destroyed any dignity it had left, if it had any at all. So, I chose to... ''remedy ''that problem, with multiple possible outcomes. Hope you enjoy! :D
''P.S.: Yes, I was inspired by How it Should have Ended, as well as the Cliche.exe video of Creepy Gaming!''

Heed Kyle's Warning Immediately Ending

After reading Kyle's letter, I decided to destroy the disc. I went to my bedroom and obtained a conveniently placed chainsaw. I then grabbed the disc and went outside. Suddenly, ''At Doom's Gate'' from ''DOOM (1993) ''started to play to add more "effect!" 'This is for Kyle!' I yelled. I powered on the chainsaw, and destroyed the disc!
Exactly one hour later, I received another letter. This one was also from Kyle, but this time it read:
Thanks for destroying the disc. You destroyed... ''Him, ''getting rid of a burden for both of us. How about I come over later and we play some Mario Kart Wii?

Delete the Hacked Rom Ending

Confused about what Kyle was talking about, I inserted the disc to see what is up with it. It came with some code insiders and a .txt file that said:
Warning! Do not play!
I hacked into the code with the code insiders and the code said:
*&^$$#@! ROM *&^$$#@!
Thank you for playing Sonic.exe!
Evil Sonic 666
I realized this was a hacked rom. I deleted it, while hearing a demonic voice say, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" when I deleted it. I later found a rom of the original Sonic the Hedgehog, and inserted it into the disc. I then played it. It was completely normal!

Stop the Game at any and all Possible Positions before Robotnik/Eggman Ending

New Narrator: Hello! I am the Author of this "story." Basically, in this ending, at any point before playing as Robotnik/Eggman, Tom stops the game, takes the disc, grabs a chainsaw, goes outside, ''At Doom's Gate'' plays in the background, and as the disc is destroyed, Sonic.exe cries that all ''his'' progress was for naught, and then he is permanently erased from existence. Tom went inside and made himself some waffles! They were very delicious.

IRL Boss Fight Ending

Tom: So, after beating the game, I took the disc and destroyed it with a knife. But when I went to my bedroom, I saw a plushie of the evil Sonic. Suddenly, Saddam Hussein (who was supposed to dead, and is creating a time paradox) appeared and gave me a powerful shotgun with a billion shells. Both the plushie and I were teleported to a hellish arena. The creature that appeared was the Cyberdemon from ''DOOM (1993), ''with Sonic.exe's face badly photo-shopped onto it. Suddenly, ''Harbringer'' from ''DOOM (2016) ''(which wasn't released at the time, creating another time paradox) started to play. With half my ammo depleted, I had defeated Sonic.exe, and when I returned home, I saw Kyle, who had a green winter hat and an orange coat, and he said, "Hey, thanks for destroying that evil Sonic."
And then a skeleton wearing Michael Jackson's clothes popped out.